How to Counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Cici, the Unstoppable Damage Dealer in Mobile Legends Bang Bang - Discover the Perfect Counter!

Mobile Legends Bang Bang – Countering Cici

🎮 Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a game where fighters often find it challenging to participate in team fights. But there’s one hero who breaks the rules and fights like a fighter while keeping a safe distance – Cici. Countering Cici can be a tough job, but fear not! In this guide, we’ll show you how to bring her down and save your team from her wrath. So let’s dive in and learn how to counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

🎯 Heroes To Counter Cici In Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

heroes to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang

To counter Cici, you’ll need a hero that can either match her speed, have high crowd control (CC), or unleash a huge burst of damage to overwhelm her healing abilities. Here are some heroes that fit the bill:


tanks to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang
  • Tigreal: With his recent buff, Tigreal can easily catch Cici with his Ultimate, allowing his teammates to finish her off.
  • Franco: If you can skillfully catch her with Franco’s Iron Hook, congratulations! You deserve to counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
  • Minotaur: Although tricky, Minotaur can still effectively catch Cici with his first Skill and Ultimate, while also protecting his team with his second Skill.
  • Atlas: He can dive close to Cici with his second Skill and catch her with his Ultimate to bring her back to his team.
  • Edith: Edith is the perfect counter for Cici since she plays both the role of a hardcore crowd control tank and a marksman with burst damage.


fighters to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang
  • Balmond: Once Balmond starts spinning, he’ll stick to Cici like glue, steadily healing and increasing his damage until he unleashes his devastating Ultimate.
  • Freya: A burst damage hero who can keep poking and following Cici with her Skills and long-range Basic attacks.
  • Martis: Bulky yet destructive, Martis can dish out a massive amount of damage, especially with his Ultimate that obliterates opponents.
  • Dyrroth: With lightning-fast speed and the ability to reduce enemies’ physical defense, Dyrroth’s Ult is an AoE attack that executes targets with low HP.


assassins to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang
  • Saber: Saber, with penetration, is a hero that can one-shot any non-tank hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
  • Zilong: Zilong can match Cici’s speed and healing while dealing a significant amount of damage with his Basic attacks.
  • Hayabusa: Cici can’t kill what she can’t see. If players time Hayabusa’s attacks correctly, Cici will fall without being able to touch him.
  • Natalia: Cici’s damage relies heavily on her first Skill. A hero like Natalia, who can repeatedly silence Cici, will continuously cancel her first Skill and defeat her.
  • Harley: Harley boasts one of the hardest burst damages in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. With his ultimate, he quickly builds up immense magic power that Cici can’t escape from.
  • Lesley: No matter what armor Cici is using, every time Lesley catches her, she causes huge damage and goes back into her Camouflage state, disabling Cici from dealing any damage.


mages to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang
  • Eudora: Once Eudora catches Cici with her second Skill, she unleashes her Ultimate and First Skill to erase any target in front of her.
  • Valir and Vale: Although it’s hard for Valir and Vale to handle Cici alone, in team fights, they can effectively disable her movement and help their team deal with her.


support to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang
  • Mathilda: Mathilda can be a game-changer offensively and defensively by either pulling her allies away from Cici’s range or taking the entire team to Cici while controlling her.

🛠️ Equipment To Counter Cici In Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

equipment to counter cici in mobile legends bang bang

In addition to heroes, there are specific spells and equipment that can help counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Tank Items

  • Thunder Belt: Slowing Cici repeatedly is the best way to neutralize her ongoing damage.
  • Antique Cuirass: Cici heavily relies on physical attack items, so debuffing her attack power will significantly reduce her damage.
  • Dominance Ice: By reducing her healing and defending against her physical attacks, you can significantly weaken her presence.

Magic Items

  • Ice Queen Wand: Dealing Skill damage will slow Cici down, allowing you or your allies to take her down.
  • Necklace of Durance: Anti-healing is crucial to diminish Cici’s healing powers.
  • Winter Truncheon: Cici’s first Skill lasts for almost four seconds, so freezing her for two seconds can be highly effective, especially in team fights.

Physical Items

  • Corrosion Scythe: This item not only adds Attack and Movement Speed but also continuously slows Cici down.
  • Wind of Nature: Just like Winter Truncheon, activating this item grants the user immunity to physical damage for two seconds, countering Cici’s attacks effectively.
  • Sea Halberd: This item not only offers anti-healing but also deals extra damage to enemies with higher HP.


  • Petrify: Stunning Cici can be a game-changer for you or your team.
  • Vengeance: Once Cici activates her first Skill, she can’t stop the automatic continuous attacks. So, casting Vengeance and staying within her Skill’s range will return most of the damage to her.
  • Ice Retribution: This spell can slow Cici down while stealing her speed for yourself.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Don’t hesitate to experiment with different heroes, equipment, and strategies to effectively counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

📱 Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Mobile Legends: Beginner Tips For The MOBA You Need To Know

🙋 Q&A

Q: Are there other heroes that can counter Cici? A: Yes, there are other heroes that can counter Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Some honorable mentions include Kaja, Grock, and Uranus. Their unique abilities and playstyles can help you turn the tide against Cici.

Q: Which equipment should I prioritize when countering Cici? A: It depends on the role and hero you’re playing. Tanks and fighters may benefit from items like Thunder Belt and Antique Cuirass, while mages can go for Ice Queen Wand or Necklace of Durance. Assess the situation and choose the items that suit your hero and playstyle best.

Q: What are some general strategies when facing Cici in team fights? A: During team fights, focus on targeting Cici first to eliminate her healing and damage output. Coordinate with your teammates to initiate crowd control and burst her down quickly. It’s also crucial to communicate and prioritize targets for a more effective and organized approach.

Q: Can Cici be played as a support hero? A: While Cici mainly excels as a hybrid hero, combining tankiness and damage, she can be played as a support hero with the right team composition. Her crowd control abilities and burst damage make her a viable option for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle in the support role.

That’s it for our guide on countering Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. We hope these tips and strategies help you gain the upper hand against this formidable hero. Remember, practice, teamwork, and adaptability are key to victory! Share this article with your fellow Mobile Legends enthusiasts and let’s conquer the battlefield together!

👉 Share your experiences countering Cici in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang! Which heroes or strategies have worked best for you? Let us know in the comments below! 💬

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Reference Links: – Heroes To Counter Cici In Mobile Legends: Bang BangEquipment To Counter Cici In Mobile Legends: Bang Bang